Israeli Land

Royalty Real Estate specializes in marketing all kinds of lands, to entrepreneurship companies ‎and private investors.‎

Royalty Real Estate has a pool of potential customers in Israel and around the world, and an ‎advanced system for marketing and brokering lands in Israel‎.

Agricultural land for immediate construction for contractors, saturated construction for ‎housing, low-rise construction, commercial and industrial construction, hotels, and land for ‎future construction,

with combination transactions and optional transactions.

We market “Minhal” (lands administration) lands, “Tabu” lands, and lands beyond the green-‎line.‎

Royalty Real Estate specializes in locating landowners for completion, and in promoting ‎projects, with teams specialized in dealing with the authorities.


Royalty Real Estate is running its business accompanied by lawyers specializing in real ‎estate business, as part of the service that we offer to our customers‎.

If you own lands of any kind, or you are interested in an entrepreneurial or long-term ‎investment, please contact us.

Looking for a good investment? We’re here to help